•September 2007: upgraded to NIDAQmx.
•February 2007: added change background color. fixed error in install notes: SpikoRT requires Traditional (Legacy) NIDAQ, not NIDAQmx.
•June 2006: added text log. added save/recall settings. new web site. release 20060628. added web update. release 20060630.
•February 2006: added SpikoRT to the web site. added snapshot function.
•January 2009-May 2009: upgraded trace filtering for distinct number of sample per channel per time block. added extracellular montage (default montage corresponds to current source density). fixed and upgraded polytrode, polytrode multiunit and spikewave detection. fixed event export to text file. more figure copy (1x-8x). fixed/upgraded frequency computation for large event file, variable sample per channel per time block. fixed detection of intracellular action and synaptic potentials. Current build is 8991.
•December 2008: upgraded trace file header and access (data blocks with distinct number of sample per channel). added partial support for Neuralynx recording. upgraded trace filtering to new access. upgraded detection. upgraded event export.
•November 2008: added triggered display on main graph. fixed figures to use new data tree handling and event type.
•October 2008: source code clean up.
•September 2008: upgraded event type. upgraded data tree handling (selector keys). uprgaded plot legend display, added plot order.
•June 2008: started to upgrade event type to handle more diverse time points and measures.
•May 2008: some source code cleanup.
•April 2008: upgraded processing tracking information (full log file). new flip-flop event detector (state register rather than fixed width overlap). source code clean up (processed file database handling).
•March 2008: source code clean up. upgraded event types and access to better represent shape diversity (monophasic, biphasic, etc) and store more measures.
•February 2008: source code clean up. separated settings and processing tracking informations. some polytrode and unit sorting upgrade (added polytrode spikewave).
•January 2008: source code clean up.
•December 2007: polytrode and unit sorting upgrade. source code clean up.
•October 2007: added figure to measure intracellular action potential features. added partial support for Nicolet BNI-1 format.
•September 2007: upgraded to Labview 8.5.
•August 2007: added partial support for Axon Binary Format 2 (ABF2). polytrode and spike sorting upgrade.
•July 2007: upgraded processing info window (table). added intraVm synaptic potential detection and frequency. upgraded data structure editor. web site: added some preview screenshots (build 5660). started polytrode and spike sorting overhaul.
•June 2007: added warning message for signals missing to draw plot and for filtering errors. upgraded selector menu (grouped plot and parameter for each signal type such as multiunit, field potential, intraVm...). upgraded figure windows upgraded figures (explicit channel selectors, resizable window, plot and data copy, options to normalize histograms and show standard deviations, check time window selection to avoid "edge effect" on interval distributions, added correlation coefficient). upgraded disk clean up window (select what to keep and delete).
•May 2007: added spike-wave frequency, detection of frequency peaks. added spike-wave sliding variance and covariance. Axon finally agreed to release their new file format (ABF 2.0), coming in 2 months. changed frequency signal access to include test/file, fast/slow/fast-slow. added average measure traces, which are event frequency traces weighed by a measure, like amplitude or duration, normalized by dividing by the frequency trace. ZeroPhase filter made optional. upgraded event export to text file and added trace export. in Measure figure added copy button for a paste in excel or word processor. correlogram figures : added counters on "whole episodes" button. upgraded export settings as text (copy button). added trace: frequency of frequency peaks. upgraded/simplified channel selectors. added Mac and upgraded Windows icon. upgraded plot thickness and point style controls.
•April 2007: upgraded Test/File selection for traces and events. added event measure on main display. added figure event measure distribution. upgraded hand drag main display (smoother). added recording scroll bar. upgraded file descriptor (byte offset for each episode). upgraded settings read and write to a more flexible format. addded settings reset selector. added support for multi-episode ABF1.83. upgraded Measure figure (background same as main display, simplified warning, added show directory button). added figure for IV protocol (activation/inactivation curves). cleaned source. added Cancel button on most processing/progress windows. added total count for histogram figure. optimized filtering decimation. removed demultiplex file to folder, thank to 64-bit file access. upgraded structure guess for directory data. added Mac icon. upgraded function call manager (faster). faster log file load. added processing info times, settings and output operation report. upgraded filtering (Bessel filters replaced by zero-phase filters, removed adaptive Notch).
•March 2007: upgraded ExtraDistribute for finer parameter selection. upgraded file access to 64-bits. upgraded filter tests. upgraded event display modes (simplified test selection, added amplitude and duration). upgraded automatic color selector. upgraded settings reset. upgraded file access (faster, and if too long waiting bar and cancel button). Changed file descriptors for better support of Axon binary files (getting ready for ABF2), this implies to clean-up and regenerate all traces for recordings analyzed with earlier versions of Spikoscope.
•February 2007: added button to copy main graph to clipboard. upgraded open function.
•January 2007: upgraded to Labview 8.2 for Mac and Windows. SpikeOMatic had to be removed for simpler Windows/Mac compatibility. upgraded channel number selectors and function buttons. upgraded main display to be resizeable.
•October 2006: fixed bug in detection of extracellular action potentials when extracellular channels are not first in list of channels. release 20060908B (4086) which is 20060908 (4085) with only bugfix upgrade. added header decoder for standard EEG files “European Data Format (EDF)”, adapted demultiplexer. Fitlered for field is decimated only if sampling rate higher than 5kHz. added button to reset settings. default settings upgraded to space extracellular channel plots and initialize TestFilter parameters. upgraded browse buttons and scale bars. upgraded Measure figure to show frame duration. Changed frequency curve units from kHz to event/s. fixed bug in EAP frequency peak detection (only first part of recording was processed).
•September 2006: release 20060908 (build 4085). fixed plot settings for improved compatibility with Parallels Desktop for MacIntel. upgraded Distribution figure to handle both event duration and interval, added distribution average and standard deviation. added new frequency peak detector (absolute threshold). upgraded settings read for compatibility with earlier versions of frequency peak detector (backward compatibility).
•August 2006: added show/hide graph palette. upgraded file open on startup. fixed occasional error with undo/redo counter. fixed missing front panels in open/align, add params and stim. removed non mandatory scs file from build. added show folder button in open screen. release 20060803 (build 4030). added another display mode. trimed source fat. release 20060804 (build 4049). fixed EAPVar&Cov (function would not detect available frequencies). upgraded open screen. release 20060805 (build 4067). added tip strips for time selection. fixed demultiplex button disabling. added figure main display vertical print to better fit lab book. fixed ExtraDistribute to also distribute spike-wave frequency plots. always show abort button. removed memory and speed bottleneck in figure Correlogram. added figure Correlogram w/ curve.
•July 2006: fixed automatic Y scale (anomaly occured only when display contained no events). optimized multiplexed data read. compress while reading for long traces (to minimize memory footprint). added coerce in trace legends. fixed legend update in main display. fixed Filter4FieldPotential (last file block was not always decimated). added larger main graph display modes. fixed start and length precision on correlation figure. release 20060706. added web update check. release 20060707 (build 3937). upgraded ExtraDistribute. fixed settings init for new file. added demultiplexing file data into folder (to increase speed and maximum recording size). for clarity accessory files generated for each recording are now stored in a folder ending with _spk. upgraded abf open for large files (2-4Gb). release 20060726 (build 3962). fixed front panel availability for file demultipexing. release 20060728 (build 3965).
•June 2006: new web site. release 20060628.
•April 2006: added firing frequency for intracellular voltage channel. upgraded settings read.
•March 2006: added receptive field crossing events. upgraded receptive field localization figure.
•February 2006: completed ExtraSet data structure transition. improved operation report for filter/detection/computation calls. faster display of spike trains. added scale bars. more accurate "stick to curve" legend. faster legend change. spike sorting function call presentation improved. fixed a problem with opening a recording for the first time, where history loading would prompt user repeatedly. added XY representation for units. X0X1Y0Y1 is now included in StimCoeffSets. added function to adapt time selection to stimulus cycle. renamed ExtraSet as Polytrode. added function to adapt time selection to episode. upgraded visual receptive field figure. StimCoeffSet made insensitive to localization number format, added text export function.
•January 2006: added "ShowFolder" button. more cleaning in many places and debugging (in particular spike sorting was broken due to data structure change started in the past months.).
•December 2005: upgraded figure functions (correlogram, interval distribution, event triggered traces), feature: histogram settings automatically avoid aliasing artifacts (artifact peaks in distribution can be generated by non congruent signal sampling and histogram bin width). upgraded filtering to include a Bessel notch noise filter.
•November 2005: fixed read of some Axon binary files (float data). fixed ExtraDistribute (plots). added HidePlotsOnOpen for settings that saturate computer memory. fixed tagging of sorted units in correlogram figure. added figure Curve/Curve. Cosmetics. added check on read signal from disk against memory saturation in figures.
•October 2005: added selection on stimulation coefficients. added simple history browser.
•July 2005: added check on time selection range. added quick settings recall.
•June 2005: launch automatically opens latest recording. manage comments for archived settings. cryptic operation information replaced by plain text explanation. hide useless menubars. renamed extracellular traces for clarity. added settings undo/redo functions. always save a copy of settings as text file.
•May 2005: new "measure" figure, which gives event count and curve averages/min/max. cursors allow to select distinct time windows on the plot.
•April 2005: SpikeCount figure modified to present result in table and added save to file. modified events legend to allow selection for each events trace whether to display only the center of each event or alternatively the beginning, center and end. added log for each data set. fixed call to SpikeOMatic code for Windows version. merged Plot and Legend selectors for clarity.
•March 2005: added "SameEpisodes" auto select button.
•February 2005: fixed save and recall of X0X1Y0Y1 in setup, added save and recall for accessory settings. improved visual field figure and added print. improved stimuli and parameter import.
•January 2005: added/optimized instantaneous variance and covariance computations and plots for extracellular population activity (with new function to save generated signal one channel at a time).
•December 2004: added Windows binary. added legend tips strips. copy/paste: fixed copy main display and figures as vector graphics on Windows (right click mouse on display and select "data operation"/"copy data"). fixed browsing multiplexed files. fixed call of Pouzat code in Spikoscope linux (but not Windows) binary. fixed prefered path issues and added report in save/read settings. Low-pass filtered extracellular traces ("low") now saved as float even for integer source to avoid aliasing. fixed display offset of vertical scale grid for N>1.
Spikoscope - Browse and analyze electrophysiology recordings